Today I went out and chatted with a couple of people about web sites. It seems that all businesses know they need one and do what they can about getting them set up. However, there seems to be a bunch of people getting friends they know to set up sites.
From what I have seen in my over 5 years or working with web applications is that lots of people get into the web and discover that setting up a web site is pretty easy. However, pretty sites are not easy to setup. Plus if you want them to do a cool thing or two then it becomes so much harder. Years to learn Harder.
Web Applications take vision, knowledge and a bunch of hard work. But that is where the world is going to be changed. The World will be changed one web application at a time. There are already tons of web applications that have changed the world. Google, and there ever expanding applications. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and many many others.
But for the average web needs there are web applications that can be installed and configured to make your web presents so much easier. Come on in the water’s Fine.