Yesterday I was reading the WallStreet Journal and there is a lot of bad news. Companies in trouble, Companies having to layoff workers, companies closing their doors, Greed, Graft and corruptions. People with lots of money CEOs, Presidents, Chairmen and World leaders, all rich powerful and begging, all asking for us to give. They are all talking about stuff, basically worthless stuff
It seems to me they (business and world leaders) lost touch a long time ago and we followed. We need to stop worry about GDP and start thinking about PP, Personal Production. We need to stop worring about how much we have and start worrying about how are we helping our family, our friends and our neighbors. Thisis the type of thing that is going to fix the world economy.
We need to get off the sandy foundations of selfishness and onto the rock solid foundations of selflessness service and Charity.
Stop worring about the economy and start worring about helping your neighbor.