I thought I would be posting all kinds of crazy stuff about my new car. Well I haven’t and that pretty much means I am not going to be famous or anything like that. However, I have found that I really like my car. It’s fun to drive and fun to listen to the music. I almost feels like I am playing a video game when I am driving the car. I am always trying to get my score higher. I have gotten lazy the last couple of weeks because I have been driving to work faster than the car says is good. But if I drive slow and get a sick energy saving score and grow a bunch of trees on my dash board. Or I drive like fast and get there in half the time and only grow half a tree. The energy used is still the same. Most of the problem with my energy use is the hill at the point of the mountain. I am surprised at how much that sucks from my battery going and coming home from work. It’s still a ton of fun.
Oh yea I am missing the RUSH concert tonight. Those guys where starting to get old when I was in college 20 years ago. O well, I should probably try and see them. Anyway off to bed.