Most of the time I am happy that the weekend is coming and I am going to be able to sleep in a bit. But I was a little bit trepid about what was going to happen. I had volunteered to help one of my friends move on Friday night. I had also volunteered to help a family move from a third floor the apartment complex were where we live. I had volunteered for both before I knew when they were going to happen. I just happened that one was on Friday Night and the other one was at 7AM. I knew the one Friday night would be well attended and would not be too difficult. I was worried about the 7AM deal. A couple of months ago I was asked to help with a move a person into a third story apartment. It ended up taking 4 hours, because there just were not enough people. I was worried it was going to be one of those deals. But I went to the move on Friday night hoping to be able to beg some of the guys to help me the next morning. There was not a great response. But there were a few. Luckily I had Roman and I let Sessel spend the night so he could help too. We went on Saturday morning and about 6 other guys showed up which made a total of 11 there moving. It only took about 30 minutes. Really not too bad. Then at the end of the move one of the guys volunteered to take anyone who wanted to go boating. I wouldn’t have taken up the offer, but it was a blessing for the two teenage boys I had drug along. So we were able to spend a couple of hours on the lake.
I really counted it as a blessing to me and my son who would have not had the chance had we not participated in the moves.