I grabbed this images off of LDSmediaTalk.com Thanks to Matt Brooks for sharing on twitter.
Happy Thought
Temple Days
Guess who we saw at the temple today?
For the past couple of years I have attempted to be a regular temple attender. I had had several tough years during and after going back to school to get my bachelors. So I thought I would try and tempt the lord to give me some blessings from regular temple attendance. The first thing that happened was I got laid off, from a pretty lame job. Then I ended up in St. George teaching a couple of classes at the college. That was fun, but it wasn’t what I really needed to be doing to provide for my family. About 6 months after getting laid off, I was blessed with a good job. I still believe it was Emerson’s praying that really got me the job. But, I will blame some of it on the temple attendance.
Some time in the first quarter of 2012, my cousin Martin and his family were sealed in the temple. So I asked him if he wanted to be my temple buddy and help keep me motivated to go regularly. So he agreed and we have been going ever since. We had been going to the Jordan River temple on Tuesdays because we could go before 6AM, but only on Tuesdays. Then the schedule changed at the Jordan River Temple because of the new movie. We realized we could go to the 6AM session at the Salt Lake temple and the timing for work would be about the same. So about a month ago we started attending the Salt Lake Temple.
Our second time in the Salt Lake Temple there was a lady, with a group of friends, that looked really familiar and then I realized it was a lady I had seen speak at General Conference last April, April of 2013. Martin even remembered her name, Sister Elaine Dalton. That was kind of fun to see a prominent member of the church in the temple.
This week we changed the day from Tuesday to Wednesday because of a thing I had going at work. While in the waiting room I recognized one of the Ladies from Sister Dalton group walking in, and sure enough there was Sister Dalton followed shortly behind. What a coincidence seeing her again. Then after the session Martin and went to the name desk to pick up the family names we had just completed. We notice Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Eyring stading about 40 feet away in front of the stained glass panel in the main section of the entrance to the temple. There were a couple of security people close by. We asked the young women at the names desk how often things like this happened. She said “I have been working here over a year. And this is the first time I have seen anything like this. They are doing temple president training.” When I turned around I also saw Elder Cook. As we walked back to Martin’s work, were our cars were parked. We talked about other times we had seen and met general authorities of the church.
Just before reaching the car I got a text from Richard Coffy, A fiend of mine from South Carolina, who is now working in Salt Lake. The text said “What are you doing in City Creek?” I texted back that my cousin and I were just getting out of the temple. He said he was surprised to look out the bus window and see me walking across the street.
Seeing all of these people is just one of the blessings I am getting from regular temple attendance.
Waiting for the Millennium
Glorious is what it is going to be! We talked in church about how it will be during the millenium, 1000 years of peace, everyone just gets along, works to make sure everyone is good and Jesus Christ will reign as king. Sounds like paradise. Sadly it’s not going to happen soon enough. until then I am just going to need to dream.
Happy Easter – He is risen!
With many in the world forsaking any belief in religion or deity. Easter is another season that brings back into focus the life of Jesus Christ. While Christmas is something that brings joy to the world, Easter is where the real power comes in. I am thankful for the hope I get from the belief that Jesus Christ over came sin and death so that we can live in peace forever. I know many Christians have different beliefs about the atonement and resurrection. I however, am fond of my belief of these events, which brings me hope for the future and hope for eternity.
In Church today we had a speaker that spoke about “Train wrecks, lost Sheep and the atonement.” I think his name was Steve Harris; I know his first name was Steve for sure. Anyway he volunteered for three years at the Salt Lake County Correctional facility. He said the time there changed his life. He said he truly felt the saviors love for these men and women that had made poor choices in their lives. He explained, in the maximum security section of the facility the prisoners were not behind bars, but behind a plexi-glass sort of plastic. On Sundays, they would move from cell to cell asking in the prisoners wanted “Church?.” He mentioned, some would wave him on, but many would ask for a message. Steve told that he became well acquainted with some of the men. One of the stories he shared with us was about a week in his life that had been exceedingly difficult. His family was going through some extraordinarily difficult economic times. That particular week he has run out of hope and was feeling despair. Steve had been praying for peace and hope to come back into his life. As he approached his assignment at the county facility, he still did not feel peace. Towards the end of his rounds through Maximum security he came to the cell of two men, Moses and Americ. He explained that Moses had a smile that could brighten the darkest room, and a voice that was melodic. He indicated he could listen to him all day. On this particular day, he felt like a southern baptist preacher and said “You need to come to the altar of God.” Moses and Meric answered with a hearty “Amen brother Steve.” After he had delivered his message, he asked if he could leave them with prayer. Moses replied, “Can I pray for you brother Steve?” Steve said, he almost broke down. In his heart, he said, “I need a you to pray for me.” He answered audibly, “Yes.” Moses began the prayer. “Father God” and then began a beautiful prayer that covered things that were truly personal to him, things that he has only conveyed to his wife and parents. He felt the despair being lifted as Moses prayed, and that despair being replaced by peace and hope. He felt it ironic that he had to go to prison to have a prisoner answer his prayer. After the prayer ended. Moses said, “That was a gift from God.” Steve knew that to be true. This and many other experiences at the prison testified to him that the savior loves everyone and wants everyone to return to him.
He then continued his talk with a discussion about train wrecks, he explained how looking up train wrecks on the internet revealed pictures of mangled metal and twisted tracks. He said he liked to use the term train wreck, he said he often described peoples lives as train wrecks. He also talked about people he saw making poor choices and would explain their situation as a train wreck waiting to happen. He then related the scripture from Isaiah 53:6 “All of us like sheep have gone astray,” Steve then explained we are all train wrecks or train wrecks waiting to happen. And there is no way back except through the atonement of Jesus Christ. He continued, our savior wants us to come back. He is looking for us, when he finds us, he will gladly pick us up, and rejoicing, carry us back to the fold. What a glorious thought! Our savior wants us to repent and find our way back to him
So it’s only been 4 months
Well, it’s only been four months but I thought I’d write something today as a take a break from more writing for my MBA.
I am thankful that food is so easy to get for me here in the US. I realize how hard it has been for people through out history to just get there hands on a little food, sadly this is still true for most of the world today. And I am even more thankful for the variety and exquisite food I get to enjoy. I am currently eating some crockpot chicken seasoned with some sort of tomato sauce. for desert I am having some Jolly Ranchers and dark M&M’s
It may be a simple meal, but it’s better than what 99.9% of the worlds’ population has ever tasted. I am blessed.
Until next time.
Enjoy your next meal.