I would really like the blog posts to be more consistent, but then again my life isn’t super consistent so I will probably ramble on and find some other medium in which to be more consistent.
Charles and I went over to home teach the Turners. I really enjoyed the discussion and hoped they didn’t think I talked too much. Gabby and Ben are very intelligent, At first we spoke with Gabby about home schooling. She was explaining some of the reasons to home school your kids. I have believed home school can be very effective with kids, as long as the parents are committed and organized. While I think all kids could benefit from home schooling. I don’t believe all parents are prepared or capable. I don’t believe I and Amanda are prepared or capable. However, if we were forced into the situation I think we could handle it. My problem is I’m too lazy, and unorganized. I think Lazy is the worst trait a home schooling parent can have. Amanda is not lazy but I do believe she would be very stressed that she wasn’t doing a good job. And once again It’s me being lazy not wanting to have to deal with that.
One of the discussion topics focused on the fact that schools all too often have become a day-care for the double income family and that the schools are teaching the kids unproven theories in class. On was global warming. Just because Al Gore says it’s a problem and a bunch of scientist think it’s a problem. Doesn’t make it a problem. A bunch of educated people used to think the world was flat. Lord Kelvin one of the worlds great scientists of the time said air travel would never be commercially viable and people would continue to waste their lives in the pursuit of flight. He was quoted in an interview saying that, only one year before the Wright Brothers took their first flight.(If you want the reference to the news paper interview) I can get that.
I brought up my opinion about global warming. I believe we are pretty arrogant to believe something man has created really has the ability to affect the weather. Just like someone saying they have a weather machine. However I do believe the human race is having an effect on the weather. Not because of the Carbon Dioxide, but because of the moral decay is causing God to use natural disasters to get people’s attention. While this belief is going to get a huge scoff from the non believes, to the faithful it makes sense. This led to a discussion on the current financial situation.
First on the whole world financial crisis: Charles and I discussed with the Turners some of the reasons. Ben Turner is an actuary, which means he figures out much a company should plan to spend on insurance. He also has a degree in Economics. I have been watching the stock market for 15 years. I watch the stock market, like others watch an follow sports. I am a casual observer, but count myself informed. Like I’ve written before I am not an expert and only follow a couple of companies closely enough to make intelligent decisions about their stock. So I have my theories. I learned some thing from Ben that I had not known before. The guy running the Federal Reserve during the depression actually caused the problem by squeezing money supply so tight the economy choked. Currently the Fed had loosen up the money supply like never before. Many other countries are doing the same. Ben also explained this could lead to 10 to 15% inflation in 3 to 5 years. Or it could be a really slow recovery. Or the Economy could collapse or Fall apart, which I am not sure exactly what that would entail. Ben explained that’s the text book answer to the problem. I tried to put the religious spin on it. I believe the smart money guys are right about what is going on. I also believe this is part of the cycle, showed in the Book of Mormon, Humility leads to blessings, blessings lead to wealth, Wealth leads to Pride, Pride leads to cutting off of blessings. Cutting off of blessings lead to Wars, natural disasters, famine, plagues and poverty. All of this leads to Humility and we have come full circle. This cycle is making itself manifest with the current situation in the world economy. Ben acknowledged that could be a reason for the situation.
For me the conversation with the Turners was very invigorating. I know I was more of a benefactor from the interaction, then they were. I would like to thank them for that.
That is for sure my biggest blog entry ever. I guess that what you get from being place in a pretty confined space at 35000 feet.
Happy New Year