I have been involved with the Boy Scouts for almost 30 years. It is a great organization. In the past I would get information for meritbadges from www.meritbadge.com/org. I hadn’t been there in over a year and I see that they have moved into the web 2.0 arena. Check it out if you are into Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts they have some great resources on that site. I am going to add it as a link too.
New title – Internet Consultant
I have been struggling on what to call my self when people ask what I do. So last night I was inpired, as I was contemplating all the things I can offer people and business when it comes to the internet. I can build and design web sites that is true. But there is so much more to the internet than building websites. There are so many tools and applications on the web that will make you personal life better, make companies more competitive. One thing I have realize also that the internet being connected with technolgy and is ever changing so people need to be kept up to speed on what the internet offers. So I have decided to change my title to Internet consultant and I am also going to change my pricing model. I haven’t worked out all the details on the pricing but it will make the services I offer.
For instance I was working with a bike shop in a little town. At first I was looking at what I was going to do to help the owner with the web site. However, after a little research I found out that there was a company that is specifically tailored to helping bike shops set up a really killer web site. The owner, being freaked out about the economy, decided not to do it. But I went from recommending a change to his web site to recommending an application that really was going to make the business look better and save them a bunch of time on updating their own site.
There are tons and tons of applications, so are even free, that will make the online world easier for companies and individuals. The real problem for business is they don’t have the time or the resouces to find and develop these things. That’s were I am really going to add the value.
Tender Mercies
Twice this week I have been told stories by friends that when life just got too much to bear they prayed that they would be helped. While all of their problems didn’t vanish they were given respite from the storms that were raging in their lives. Enough reprieve the were able to rest and regain the strength they needed to carry on. This has reminded me God does care about every person and if we are willing to let him into our lives he will carry us through the bad times. Which reminded me of a talk given by Elder Bendner about tender Mercies.
Elder David Bendenar
Atonement of Jesus Christ
This is a personal post. and I am guessing most of the people reading my blog are family . This is mostly a journal type entry. Today I figured out something that I hadn’t realized before. Most of my life I have imagined that the Atonement was only taking effect in my life at the spots were I was making mistakes and I was trying to repent for those mistakes. I know the Atonement has taken effect because I remember the remose and anguish I have felt and that I wanted to change. I also realize I don’t feel that anymore. I am happy.
This is what I realized. I feel happy today because of the effects of the atonement in my life. So the Atonement is really effecting my life everyday. Instead of just the times I was overcoming difficulties. I have not been fully appreciating the effects of the attonement in my life. I will do better with this.
This then goes into the next topic. Now that I understand something how to I share this with my freinds and neighbors. For those whom I trust and have a similar belief as me I can share this whole thought. With those that do not share the same faith as me I think at very least I can express to everyone that I am happy and I have peace in my life.
This of course does not mean I am not struggling with afflictions. Life is hard for everyone. I just have the feeling I am moving forward and eventually everything will turn out for the best.
God speed
It’s interesting how much prayer makes a difference in my life. I looked up a couple of studies that were done on patients with prayer. I was hoping to find some really definitive info. But like with all real scientic studies there isn’t ever black and white definitive information. But I will list a couple of the things I read and then give my opinion
Harvard – This Study said 59% had complications versus 52% that didn’t have people pray for them.
St. Luke’s Hospital – This study said prayer made a difference.
I also realized that they were praying for the people to get better. However, if you believe in God, maybe God would rather have the people in heaven. I think I would rather be in heaven, no pain lots of happiness no death. so who is to say being made well here is better.
I can say I know I am happier becuase I pray and because I believe God helps me through the hard times, and helps make the good times better.
If you and thinking to yourself. I don’t believe that. I’m not asking you to believe I am only telling you about my expereinces. If you want your life to be better I can tell you what I’ve done to make my life better. It’s up to you to try it… or to not try it. You may find something that makes your life better, or makes your life happier I would like to hear about it.