I have waited until the next day to post from the day before, So I am catching up today. So this will be posted on the day I wrote it.
Yesterday, I went to hang up the sign, but Kent doesn’t open on Monday. During the week he is only there after 10AM. So I will have to wait until Wednesday when I am going to be in the area a bit later.
Here’s todays comment on society.
As human’s, steven hawking being the smartest, we keep slapping each other on the backs and reveling in how smart we think we are. Between 2000 and 4000 BC we figured out how to domesticate horses. Then 100 years ago we discovered how to make engines that replaced the power of the horses. However, we did not replace the horse smarts. My great grand father told me a story about going to a dance. After the dance he took the girl home and then fell asleep, as he did every dance night, as the horse would take him home. This particular time the horse returned to the Church where the dance was held. He was awakened the morning as parishioners arrived at church. Maybe my son with tell his kids about the time he accidental pushed the church address on the GPS and fell asleep after taking his date home, only to we awakened as church goers arrived to worship the next morning.
4000 years ago some power, I believe it was God, others may say mother nature or evolution, created a beast with power and smarts. Technology that is still far superior to our cars. Our cars are only more powerful and faster. Think about the horse. It runs on stuff like grass and water, wouldn’t it be cool if cars could run on grass and water. Horses need to be trained, but can live 25 to 30 years. That’s longer than a car. Horses can get better with age, if they are cared for properly. Maybe our cars will be that good in the next few decades.
I am still looking forward to self driving vehicles.