It has never made sense to me why people care about this stuff. It is definitely selling newspapers. Royals provide nothing to the society, but the masses clamor for more information about them. I guess I am a bit jealous because I wish I could get that kind of attention for doing nothing. I guess the new princess had to work pretty hard to get into the situation where she is, I imagine her parents had to work pretty hard to get her into that situation also. The prince didn’t have to do anything. He would probably argue that he works hard. And he might but he was just luckily born to the right family. Then there is the rest of us, the peasants that only wish we had the riches that the Royals and Celebrities have. Maybe the reason I don’t care is because I don’t have any hope of ever having what they have. Maybe people believe if they follow them and pretend that they are friends with celebrities and royals that one day they will have what they have. I think it’s sad that somedays I wish I could be rich and famous. I think that just makes me lame.
Lost In Doubt
First, weather some obscure tidbit of information makes us doubt, or we realize some widely accepted belief is wrong. Does that make everything wrong? Or am I just looking for a reason to ditch my way of life.
You have probably noticed that I comment on articles. One reason is I need more room than is allowed in the comment fields, and the reality for me is that very few people read the comments. The most comments I have read on an article may be 8 or 10, sometimes out of the hundreds and thousands of comments. I would also like to keep my comments consolidated in one place. Because most of the time I am sure my comments on articles are even more lost than the ones I am posting here.
Todays article is from the New York Times Some Mormons Search the Web and Find Doubt. They article tells the story of a former Area Authority that is having doubts because he found out some things about the church he was not comfortable with. The first thing he found out that was Joseph Smith was a polygamist. I wonder why he didn’t know that before. I have heard that Joseph Smith was a polygamist for most of my life. I also heard that his wife hated the idea and Joseph was afraid to tell her about it. I didn’t realize, until I looked on the internet it was a bunch of women, Here is a list of 44 women supposedly were married to wikipedia list of Joseph Smith Wives. I will address later why I think this doesn’t really matter.
There were also a couple of other topics that were mentioned. The Blacks and the Priesthood and the Mountain Meadow Massacre. I believe the reasons that blacks did not hold the Priesthood is because of prejudice in the church. In my mind, it just that simple. As a Church we have moved past this. However, we need to admit that is was wrong. I am also open to the idea that someday in the Future women may hold the priesthood and Homosexuals may be able to marry. I don’t agree with those things now.
The Mountain Meadow Massacre is definitely a tragedy that shouldn’t have happened. I believe it was a isolated and has no relevance in a religious discussion. It was just a bunch of idiots, which I believe, were on both sides. And it just happened that the Mormon side of things enacted the most vile part of the story. This is not how Mormon’s act now or how 99.9999% of the church has ever acted. That is why I don’t believe the MMM has any relevance in a discussion about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am sure some could argue that. But they can do that where they may.
All of the issues I have raised, except for the MMM, could be looked at in this way. Look at what the church teaches: the Ten Commandments, the Teachings of Jesus, and a few new things. Eternal Marriage, the word of wisdom and the Relief Society. of those things mentioned in the previous sentence the basic beliefs are love God, Love your neighbor, don’t steal, don’t lie, try to help people, donate to the poor, don’t put things in your body that are harmful and keep sex in marriage between a man and a woman. Following these things will help keep us free, healthy and happy.
So let me try to see it from outside what I believe. Let’s say Joseph Smith was a liar and the God does not exist. That is not what I believe, but that is what many believe.
Let’s look at some scenarios; What if everyone was nice to each other and tried to help each other out. There would be more freedom and more happiness than we have now. That is obvious. What if people didn’t steal and lie. There would be more freedom and more happiness. What if people didn’t use substances that were addictive and impair behavior. There would be more freedom, better health and more happiness. What if people stayed only had one sexual partner throughout their lives. There would be little risk of STD, no broken hearts and broken families. There would be more freedom, better health and more happiness.
The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Even if Joseph Smith is a fraud and God doesn’t exist. The principles are still sound. Proving Joseph Smith is a fraud and that God doesn’t exist is really just a ploy to prove the things they taught do not need to be followed.
Why is this never discussed in the articles. Show me a way of life that gives me more freedom from negative consequences, increases lasting health, and produces more lasting happiness than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints and I may change my views.
The truth of the matter for me is also about fear. Life is hard. I have made choices in my life that do not agree with the tenants of the church, I have also discovered that sometimes the negative consequences are difficult to handle. More difficult than if I would have made choices that matched the teachings of the LDS faith. Life is hard for me and I am afraid if I choose another way it will eventually get harder. Like I said before, If someone will show me a way that will be easier for longer I will definitely take a look.
Nature is out to get us
Today, I spent a couple of hours fighting back nature. Roman is back from selling home automation/security in Kansas. It was nice to having him help battle back. He mowed the lawn, trimmed the roses, the weeds and edged the grass. I have an app on my phone that keeps track of the calories I burn doing yard work. I spent one hour and twenty five minutes. Over the past couple of weeks it has rained a lot for Utah. I was surprised how much growth there had been with the weeds. For about a month, I have been wanting to cut back the roses. I was able to fill up a 40 gallon garbage can with what I trimmed back from the roses.
Another tough thing with the yard is the ornamental plumbs are attaching with full vigor. We have been out there five times in the last two weeks each time picking up at least 3 gallons of plums that have fallen to the ground. One day Amanda and Emerson picked almost 4 gallons of plums and juiced them. That made some decent syrup. But they keep attaching. I wonder when that nastiness is going to stop.
Without constant vigilance slowly, ever so slowly, the weeds, the grass, the plants, the shrubs, the bushes and the trees; ever so quietly keep reaching out to strangle us out. I have heard the environmentalist keep ranting that we are destroying the ecosystem. However, I believe if the humans left for 50 years and then came back we would all be shocked at how quickly and powerfully nature would reclaim the territory we have been fighting to preserve for centuries. Especially if the climate change, Al Gore loves to evangelize, creates a more humid and wet planet. With the polar ice caps melting at such an alarming rate the extra water could give the vegetation the added power it currently does not have which allows us to maintain the victories we have won.
People Hope being an Atheist is Easier
In an article from CNN it discusses Six Type of Athiests. They all say there is no God. I even have a friend, like all these famous people, that believe it’s up to the individual to come up with their own morals. Sometimes I believe this because they are hoping that if they don’t believe in God it will make them fell less guilty about the things they have done wrong and the guilt they feel. Of course they will say they are totally happy without a God. They try and find happiness in doing what they believe is good. Those are the best Atheists. Then there are the atheist that try to displace the guilt they feel with substance abuse. Those are the tragic atheists.
I have said this before that if I look at it from a completely risk mitigating stance. Or in other words I am trying do reduce the amount of risk. I look at it this way. What if there is no God, what will it hurt to try to believe in him and follow his commandments. Love one another, turn the other cheek, Don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, and don’t kill. The world would be a truly better place if we all lived this way. If we die and there is no God there is no harm done. However, if there is a God and he has rules that we are to live by. Then I am going to be in some serious trouble if I continually say there is not a god and I am going to make up my own rules.
I believe there is a God, that he loves and cares about us, and following him is going to make us happy.
In a completely different direction. Paige finished her soccer camp at BYU today. She really enjoyed it and had some good experiences. She also made new friends and learned new things. I am happy it went well for her.
Hollywood is sadly not full of happiness
It’s sad that Hollywood professes that being beautiful, having lots of money and being famous brings happiness. They are all so thin and smiling. However, now and again the facade breaks down and the truth is revealed.
Last week with the death of Cory Monteith, a TV star, is truly a tragedy. I am hoping that this tragedy will be seen in the correct light. It is painfully obvious that fame, fortune and good looks do not bring lasting happiness or safety. In contrast, following the commandments, may not bring an easy road in this life. But, it will bring happiness and freedom.
I have a hope that all of humanity will someday see this truth and strive to live in such a way as to bring the most happiness and freedom. I really hope this is the case.