When I was a young child, I often wondered if I was the center of the universe and everyone was just an actor robot in my life. I know I am not the only person to have thoughts like these because of the “The Truman Show” with Jim Carry.
I have a new philosophy. I believe everyone lives in their own universe with there own rules, laws and commandments. I once heard Hyrum Smith the former CEO of the Franklin Covey institute talk about filters we all have, he explained it like panes of glass we look through as we interpret the world. However, I believe it is much more than that. I live in my own universe in my head. And I believe you are living in your own universe in your head.
What is startling to me is when people that I believe have a similar universal view continue to do things that are inconsistent with what I thought was a shared view I start to wonder what their view is and I remember they are living in their own universe of rules, laws and commandment and they are obeying their universal laws.
What is even more strange is we have our own rules, laws and commandments and then we apply a completely different set of rules, laws and commandments to others, which I believe is to mostly benefit ourselves.
I think where conflict comes from is when we believe someone is doing something that will benefit their own selfish desires at the expense of our own selfish desires. It seems most of us will gratefully have others sacrifice their desires for our selfish desires. It also seems we will sacrifice help from others because they are just preparing to take advantage of us in the future.
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