Today is the beginning of Passover for members of the Jewish faith.
Passover helps remind Jews of the mercy given to believers in Egypt to spare their children from death.
Reflecting on the story of Moses, the children of Israel and their deliverance from slavery in Egypt. During the whole ordeal God was making it clear who was in control. By the end of the 10 plagues, Pharoah, the pharaoh’s magicians, the people of Egypt and the children of Isreal all believed God as in Control and Moses was his prophet.
I also see that in the beginning of the ordeal the Magicians were able to copy Moses’s miracles, turning the rod into a serpent and the turning of water to blood. This made it easy for Pharaoh and his people not to believe the warnings. This is similar to today where science is able to eradicate the plagues of today. However, as the plagues progressed it became important that the people believed in God were spared the plague where the unbelievers only acknowledged after losses from the plagues that their science could not recreate or stop the plague. Only belief in God before the plague would offer protection.
For instance with the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s. If someone had chosen early in life to follow strict Judao, Christian or Muslim beliefs they were much less likely to be affected by that plague. By choosing to follow the commandments of many religions believing abstinence from sexual relations outside of marriage and abstinence from substance abuse. These religious people were much more likely to be kept from suffering than if they had not been following those suggestions. However, now science has come up with measures, like the magicians, to counteract the plagues.
The same thing with natural disasters. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has suggested for many years that we have food and necessities stored for emergencies. We continue to see around the world where things will do well to help us survive well disasters.
I believe all of these things are out there as a reminder to us to look to God and find protection, answers, and comfort from him.
However, everyone needs to find this out for themselves. I suggest everyone start to experiment with little things. Like reading a scripture a day or praying to see if God will answer a pray for you.
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