Let’s look at how ridiculous testing is now in schools. When in the world, is someone going to be set on an island, cut off from the internet, and asked to do anything by themselves that is worthwhile. Anyone who gets a job is going to be required to work with other people to get a job done. Testing expects a person to be set on an island and perform without any outside help.
In school we, the students, are getting punished for doing what we are going to be trained and expected to do after we finish school.
It similar with athletes we put a huge emphasis on being the best, we want to watch perfect people do perfect things above what in most cases is impossible for the regular human. No one is perfect and so the athletes turn to substances to make them better than human because being human is not good enough.
The other thing is we put so much emphasis on winning. When winning is not where all the enjoyment is. Watching and participating is where the joy comes from. Many American’s complain about how there is little or no score in soccer. We could get players up in front of the goal and have them kit balls into the net and the score could be in the hundreds. But the real enjoyment in watching and participating is the struggle not the outcome.
Because winning is where everything is measured, people try to pay to change the outcome because they are too lazy and stupid to enjoy the struggle.
Unfortunately, the best cheaters, the ones that don’t get caught, are going to be the winners.
Those that struggle, and sometimes even enjoy the struggle, are the ones that are going to be mocked for being losers.
As long as the systems and motivations are set up poorly there will always be cheating. Which will result in punishments by those that wished they could have been better cheaters.
My advice is to look at what is considered cheating and there is where the system needs to be changed.
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