Hope I think keeps most of the world running. I get up every morning with hope in my heart. Maybe sleeping is a way to recharge some of that hope. at the end of the day sometimes I feel I am running pretty low on hope. Then I sleep and some of it is restored. However, it’s a bad day when I run out of hope before that day is through. I think Victor Frankl explained it best in his book “Man’s search for meaning” In the concentration camps in WWII the prisoners used cigarettes as money. When prisoners in the concentration camps started smoking their cigarretts that indicated they had nothing left to live for. In that extreme circumstance giving up hope meant they would probably die. Victor Frankl being a psychiatrist would try to help people find that hope.
Sometimes I feel like smoking my metaphorical cigarettes. I am sure many people do. Luckily I don’t live in those extreme conditions and usually can find my meaning before I die.
I look around at many people and wonder if they are smoking their cigarettes. I wish I new how to help.
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