This is a personal post. and I am guessing most of the people reading my blog are family . This is mostly a journal type entry. Today I figured out something that I hadn’t realized before. Most of my life I have imagined that the Atonement was only taking effect in my life at the spots were I was making mistakes and I was trying to repent for those mistakes. I know the Atonement has taken effect because I remember the remose and anguish I have felt and that I wanted to change. I also realize I don’t feel that anymore. I am happy.
This is what I realized. I feel happy today because of the effects of the atonement in my life. So the Atonement is really effecting my life everyday. Instead of just the times I was overcoming difficulties. I have not been fully appreciating the effects of the attonement in my life. I will do better with this.
This then goes into the next topic. Now that I understand something how to I share this with my freinds and neighbors. For those whom I trust and have a similar belief as me I can share this whole thought. With those that do not share the same faith as me I think at very least I can express to everyone that I am happy and I have peace in my life.
This of course does not mean I am not struggling with afflictions. Life is hard for everyone. I just have the feeling I am moving forward and eventually everything will turn out for the best.
God speed
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