While I believe all parents are proud of their kids I would like to say a couple of things about my kids today.
My daughter scored 3 goals today in her soccer game. She’s scored multiple goals in games before, but today a girl stepped on her foot and a her shoe came off, but that didn’t stop my daughter. She kept going around the girl and scored.
While they are young this is a competitive league where the team was setup and the girls were chosen because of their skill.
My oldest son is currently playing football. On defense he plays saftey. Unfortunately, because of my job search I haven’t been able to see him play in a game.
He also played soccer for 3 years. The thing I like to brag up about him is the last year he played, in a championship game, he scored two goals in that game; one with the right foot and the other with the left foot.
our Youngest is smart, I will post a couple of the lego vehicles he builds. I may even set up a blog just to show his vehicles. He’s only five, and while they aren’t elaborate they are clever. He’s much more advanced in his lego building skills than his older brother and sister were at that age.
I’ll write more later about my kids.
Do you have pictues Dee? It sounds like you have one incredible family which does not surprise me.