I spent a good part of the day out talking to small businesses about websites. I did get a couple of warm leads. I always meet a couple of really great people. I met a Lady Named Jane that was working in a Dance Teaching studio. She loved the place she worked and really was passionate about the place. She really did a good job of selling me on the benefits. It would be fun to do with Amanda.
I met a guy in a hair cutting place named Roosters, He was from Belaruse and lived in New York for 20 years and recently moved to Austin. He gave me some great advice about my Hair and what to use for my swimming damanged hair. He said to get a conditioner called Loreal Paris. he said to leave it on for a couple minutes and within a few days my hair would be alot better.
I was also able to do a little running and swimming. 2000 meters. I also ran a bit. But I am feeling my tendonitis coming back a bit and spent the last 20 minutes walking.
Liz and Charles are moving this weekend. Which means I will be moving all weekend. In some ways I am looking forward to it. Moving fully for 2 days is going to be hard. But it will be better than any other workout I could do.
I am excited to get out there and meet new people tomorrow.
sorry you will be moving. I seem to be helping someone move every other weekend. I don’t mind helping, in fact I like it (if they have done a good job packing) but if I never have to move again myself, it will be too soon.