After finishing school and starting to look for a job Saturday’s have been mostly a bust. However this Saturday went pretty well. One of my friends, Mike Wilson has really been helping me out over the last couple of days with a freelance web project. He has helped me get into Drupal, a web site tool. I spent most of the day trying to learn this technology. Mike is the one that did all the work, while I am just trying to learn. Drupal is really cool and a very flexible tool for website building. It’s really amazing how much cool technolgy is out there and availble for us to build really cool web sites.
Saturday night, one of my friends called me up and invited me over to his house. Jayd McFerson was one of missionary companions and we connect every 4 or 5 years. I hung out with him, his wife Tauni, and their son Coen for a couple of hours we chatted about old times. We also discussed our current trials. Jayd and Tauni are inspiring to me. Just regular people having to deal with some pretty extrodinary circumstances.
Move along.
What kind of job are you looking for? do you want to live in SLC?