Because of the my 20 year high school reunion is comming up I have been contacted by a couple of people from school. Three girls from my seminary class have contacted me Genia (Shy) Spencer, Nikki Allen and Justin Rylander. I have contacted a couple of people through facebook, John Krause and Kevin Couderman. It’s fun to think about the great time I had in High School. For the most part the stress, what little there was, has all but been forgotten and only the good and fun memories remain.
But I do feel like it is all in the past and I for sure don’t believe that I or any one else can bring that fun back even for a few moments.
Life for me has always had it’s magic. Where ever I am and what ever I am doing it seems like I am blessed to be having a magical time.
High School was magic, it was fun, it was exciting and it was freedom.
Thanks for forwarding my number to Justine! We talked for hours last night and it was so fun to catch up.